perjantai 10. tammikuuta 2014

January Photography

This far I have spent my January cozily at home with family.
I've been trying to keep up with my running schedule and also do some photography.
(School stress/pressure really didn't do any good 
for my inspiration & motivation to do my own stuff... Kind of what I was afraid of from the start.)

My plans for the rest of the holiday: 
spend it cozily at home with family.

Teen Wolf season 3b appreciation art. :p

Some 2012 summer memories to warm up this weird Finnish winter.
~Nadia .x

1 kommentti:

  1. Hyvin mätsää tuon mustan topin ja ja korkkareiden muotokieli. Ja mekossakin vielä saman muotoset aukot! Et tietty itse huomannut... :DDD
